Restoring our rivers for over 25 years.

Join us in support of our rivers.

At the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council, we seek to protect and restore the two-million-acre upper Deschutes River watershed through collaborative projects in habitat restoration, long-term monitoring, and watershed education. We invite you to learn more about our work and impact throughout the watershed.

What's New

Watershed Speaker Series
Join us for engaging discussions about our local rivers! Explore the hydrology, water use, water conservation efforts, fish and wildlife of the Upper Deschutes watershed.
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Annual Deschutes River Cleanup
Mark your calendar for Saturday, June 28th, 2025! Help us restore the Deschutes River! Volunteers of all ages can remove litter, pull invasive weeds, and clear debris from the river.
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New Office Space
We are now located in the Old Mill District, right above Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe!
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Explore Our Work

Restoration effectiveness monitoring provides data to quantify watershed status and trends, evaluate restoration outcomes, and inform future restoration projects.

Our education programs provide hands-on, place-based opportunities to help local students connect to and forge life-long caretaking bonds with their local watershed.